Founder and Tutor
Ph.D., Professor and Tutor
Getting Started
Sign up for a Free Trial or a Tutoring Plan.
Schedule your first session.
Download and install Zoom.
I’ll send you a Zoom invite to your email.
Click the link to join the meeting. Text or call me at 404.488.6517 if you have any issues.
We’ll go over 1-2 practice SAT/ACT sections or whatever homework you have.
I’ll email parents a summary of our sessions and progress each week.
Schedule future sessions up to 6 weeks in advance.
Notebook or Paper
Completed Homework or Practice Tests
We recognize the importance of catering to the learning process of each student—what works on one student might not work on another. We observe how students learn and give them exactly the tools they need to really understand the material.
Sneak-peek of a lesson
I first let the students take a practice test to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and then I reverse-engineer a personalized curriculum for them. Throughout the session, I’m always asking questions that pique their curiosity, so they can figure out the answers for themselves. I don’t stop when they’ve successfully solved a problem; I go the extra step to make sure that they are able to explain the problem they are solving back to me.
At the end of each lesson, we review the concepts that have been discussed, and I’ll make random callbacks to the lessons to test their knowledge. On every problem they miss, I’ll have them do test corrections, so they’ll have a long-term record of what they’ve learned.
It’s all about knowing yourself.
I don’t believe that grades are determined solely by intelligence or diligence. We often underestimate how much a bad grade can affect a student’s confidence. Therefore I’ve developed a program called the Identity Matrix, in which I identify a student’s goals and self-limiting beliefs. By breaking them down, we can change these beliefs with small victories to build confidence and good study habits.
Here’s what’s most likely to happen. You sign up for tutoring; you improve significantly on your practice tests; you take the test and your actual scores go up modestly (usually slightly less than your practice test scores). This is normal. Most students tend to do their best on the 2nd or 3rd test after tutoring, especially if you already started out on the upper range. The higher your starting scores, the harder it is to improve.
Some students can achieve much higher scores the 1st time after tutoring. However, this is usually the case if they started out much lower than average or something catastrophic occurred during their initial test (illness, missing calculator, etc.).
The Valley of Disappointment
Sometimes, your scores may stay the same or even dip slightly. This is also normal. By their very definition, standardized test scores are supposed to be consistent from test to test.
It’s easy to get discouraged after putting in all that effort. Like starting a diet and gaining weight after the first few weeks, or practicing hard and still losing the big game. It happens.
Source: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Fear not. Your efforts haven’t been wasted. You are building experience and steadily improving in invisible ways. Eventually, you will start to see some improvement. Though, it won’t always be easy.
Here you won’t find any gimmicks or score guarantees. I will teach you how to beat these tests, but you have to get the scores for yourself. You are, after all, the ones taking the test. That said, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you maximize your chances of increasing your scores. And if your scores aren’t up to snuff after tutoring, contact me and I’ll give you a free review before the next test you take.